Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
Type of Twitter post: last weekend's beach getaway
Sample post: "The sun is so XOXO-fun!!! Gawd, is that a lyric? It is!!! Gotta tell my honey bun sugar munchie"

Sleeping At Last - Storyboards
Sample post: "The juggler dude in Before Sunrise signifies urban repression. Ebert, u be pwned"
Sleeping at Last - Birdcage Religion (from Storyboards)

The Antlers - Hospice
Type of Twitter post: wtfrudrinkin?
Sample post: "The monkey owns my liver. My liver lives in the river. Pee on me now"
The Antlers - Shiva (from Hospice)
Type of Twitter post: The post about nothing at all
Sample post: "Wow, that was so wow"
The Rest - Drinking Again (from Everyone All At Once)
Type of Twitter post: The post-breakup post
Sample post: "&%$# $ #$%#$^ &@%@%@% @%@ ^@^@&@@ &@@ @@#%$%#%$"
Lily Allen - Chinese (from It's Not Me, It's You)

David Bazan - Curse The Branches
Type of Twitter post: Existence is futile (but beer is not)
Sample post: "The truth called out to me this morning. I burped back"
Type of Twitter post: Pub crawling with long-lost buddies
Sample post: "@SykoSimon just downed his 54th shot and..., danggg, dude's getting a tattoo on his nipple right now! Bodacious!!!"
Pearl Jame - Amongst The Waves (from Backspacer)
Type of Twitter post: Flue and fever galore
Sample post: "Sniff sniff. Someone hug me now, please. Ahh, Fluffy. Thanks. That's nice #ilovemysugarglider"
Twiggy Frostbite - I'm Still Here (from Through Fire)