Who decreed that, you're asking? Oh, dear dork face; me of course. You've obviously not seen my other decrees, have you? Like on 25 May 2003 when I anointed it as the Globally Awesome Worldwide Day In Recognising A Woman's Knees (now commonly known as GAWDIRAWK), or on 6 February 1964 when I announced the start of Rapunzel's Annual Workers Konsul Involving Greco-American Wrestling Dudes (better hailed as RAWKIGAWD). Sheesh, get with it, man. Oh well, lucky for you there's still time. Look out for my next decree, on 8 December 2009. It's called Yemen's Ultimate Underwater Search, Adventure And Konvention (aka YUUSAAK).
Belle & Sebastain - Don't Leave the Light on Baby (from Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant)
Oh well, some rumours are too good to be true. Remember the one about Placebo playing KL in August? *snorts* I am however most excited about Andrew Bird tho... Huzzah!!!!
really hope this rumour's true! although i'm a lil bit skeptical..
Don't think so..but the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are coming...
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