The onus is out on the reason but apparently it's a toss up between money 'difficulties' and Coldplay's asking price sky-rocketing after their Grammy sweep. Me, I'm thinking cause Chris Martin hates food. Probably why he's headed to our neighbours instead. Either that or he is gay. I have no either why this is relevant to anything but I just felt it had to be said.
Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost (from Parachutes)
Curses!!! You know how Mojo Jojo would constantly say that every time his plan for world dominance goes awry because of the PowerPuff Girls? Well, now I truly understand how he feels like.
Maybe worst.
oh well. at least we have Battles coming down to KL :)
Battles, for real? When?
No worries, you might just get the consolation, according to the meat-loving source, Green Day will be the next target!
Battles is coming, mark down 19th March on your calender.
Haha! It could because of your stinky mouth and senseless write ups. N.E.R.D. is also coming to Singapore. Meyeow.
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