Blergh. Urrrghh. Must. Wash Eyes. And that is why, by right, if they were a band, they'd have to be Take That. But since Pantsy will not allow any Take That songs to show up on this blog, I'm forced to find another angle for Spain. One that does not involve its ugliness.
And for that, we turn to Carles Puyol.
Perhaps the sole saving grace of this ugly team - having Puyol in the team immediately cranks up the good looks of the side by 450,000,299,999 times. It's true. I counted it last night myself. Which means that there can only be one band now that Spain can be. The Strokes!

The Geek: I see you're not using the joke I gave you.
Genusfrog: Which joke you gave me?
The Geek: The one about how Iniesta strokes the ball very delicately.
Genysfrog: Errr, no, no thanks.
The Geek: It was a good joke.
The Strokes - Reptilia (from Room On Fire)
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Favourite post. Ever.
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