Bishop Allen - Little Black Ache (from Charm School) [BUY
It always starts with a little black ache, right? And no, they're never pink or lilac; always black. Bacteria bathe in liquorice juice.
Azure Ray - Fever (from Azure Ray) [BUY
Aches soon turn into fevers, and that's when Panadol is supposed to come in handy. Take two, heat up the oven, chop the chives and... what do you mean, you can just swallow them with water? You never had Panadol Souffle? Weirdo.
Wolf Eyes - Black Vomit (from Burned Mind) [BUY
Soon, the bug moves from the head to the tonsils, and once more, them black suckers make an appearance. No need to panic just yet; puke is said to be rich in vitamin E.
Bjork - Pneumonia (from Volta) [BUY
At this stage, you're probably thinking, hospitalisation right? And you'd be thinking right. Because nothing screams frosty smells and daggy robes like a wailing Icelander.
Mercury Rev - Sweet Oddysee of a Cancer Cell T' Th' Center of Yer Heart (from Yerself Is Steam) [BUY
So you're checked into St Mary's, and doc tells you that the little black ache is actually a cancer-churning dunce of a bug. You know what's coming next, don't you? Yup, nurses in miniskirts scrubbing your hairy bum. Always happens. Life rocks.
Liars - The Other Side of Mt Heart Attack (from Drum's Not Dead) [BUY
So things can only head one of two ways: you get better, or your heart decides to screw you over. If the latter is more impending, then please shave your bum. They say it helps the angel wings stick better. If it's the former, go give your mum a kiss, then come feed me cherries.
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