A snow storm caused

the roof of an American football stadium to cave in. The roof of The Metrodome in Minnesota, home to the Minnesota Vikings, was overwhelmed by the weight of snow on it, and eventually collapsed in the morning. This forced the Vikings to hold its games elsewhere. It also forced Miley Cyrus to move her concert to a new location, and it will now be held in Puff the Magic Dragon's lair, and will feature a new tune called Bong Bong Bong To My Song Song Song.
story reminds me of: The Moviegoers -
Avalanche (from
Big High School/Avalance 7")

The notorious hacker group Anonymous has declared war on snow. The hacker group, which have earned worldwide fame for their web attacks on the Paypal, Gene Simmons and the Church of Scientology, are now on a mission to fight back against snow. Among their plans are to attack the Weather Channel website and upvote the sun as Time's Person of the Year. When Frosty was told of these plans by news reporters, he stood silent for two minutes, then pulled the carrot from his nose and ate it.
story reminds me of: The Soft Province -
In A Some See No One Club (from
The Soft Province)

Police in Massachusetts arrested a 54-year-old woman, but only after she had been pepper sprayed twice and zapped with a stun gun three times. The first police officer came onto the scene after receiving two complaints of disturbance coming from the apartment of Maria E. Alvarez. A struggle soon broke out, and eventually the woman was subdued with the help of another police officer. The following day, Dreamworks announced that it had signed up Maria to star in their upcoming 2012 film,
King Kong's Bride: The Baddest Beeyatch Evah.
story reminds me of: The Jezabels -
Mace Spray (from
Dark Storm EP)
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