That is if what our pap that resides in some cave off Yuma, Arizona say is true. By the way, he's been relatively quiet for his standards. Apparently he was angry cause I got the temperature for his Dr. Pepper wrong once. Prissy bastard.
Anyway yes, Sheffield's finest are apparently heading our way in Q1 2009 if a reputed telco has its way. Then the Brit yobs over at this end of the South China Sea can start taking their pants off and dancing.
But personally, I prefer American bands. Yes I do. Music? Nah, nothing to do with music. They make better cheeseburgers. Yeah, that's it. None of that brown sauce crap. Just a plain old greasy slab of meat. And yes, it's always about the food. People may tell you it's about the wars and economies and spirituality but I tell you sir and that crazy hot chick in the corner there that it's always, been about the food. Sometime it's about the chick. But when it's cheeseburgers, no chick can ... what ... yes dear, you're better than a cheeseburger. Of course you are A.J., how silly of you to think that I would say something like that? You were sitting beside me when I said it? Oh that, oh that, how could I forget. I meant those other 'chicks', not a hot chick like you. Hot chicks like you could take 10 slabs of barbecue beef ribs in a fight. Seriously. Yeah, serious. Errr ...
Arctic Monkeys - Baby I'm Yours (from Leave Before the Lights Come On single) [BUY
Don't worry. I'm sure they'll be hitting your city soon. They are coming to Australia for the Big Day Out festival in January 2009, next stop Asia for sure!!!
Please make this happen!
they are not coming....:(
How do you know they are not coming?
I was lucky enough to catch The Kooks(FIVE OF FIVE STARS!!GREAT BAND GREAT SHOW!!)in Ohio USA... now I want to see the AMONKS after Alex finishes up with his Shadow Puppet stint I DIG THE AMONKS ROCK!! Cheers!,HENRY PONDS
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