... in the spirit of another workmate who has a 'no compliment' policy, as such I have deferred to paying her compliments in the contrary ("You look absolutely hideous today"), here's a post dedicated to quite possibly the ugliest witch of the east/west/space and Thundera.
Elliot Smith - Pretty (Ugly Before) (from From a Basement on the Hill)
The late king of depresso expressos puts on his Lennon hat and writes this laid back countrified number about err ... beauty before casually suggesting the contrary, like only he could.
Explosions in the Sky - An Ugly Fact of Life (from OST for Friday Night Lights)
This song's quite an anti-thesis of our 'word for the week'. Simmering atmospheric guitars and a giant slosh of melodramatic strings sends this to the furthest regions of grand. At the very least, pretty.
Redd Kross - Ugly Town (from Show World)
Muted power chords and three part in-your-face harmonies is Redd Kross' specialty, and they've not stinged on these essential ingredients here. Power pop at its most classic and well, powerful.
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