In Diddy's words, "Some people may be uncomfortable with the sensuality and sexual content, but it is important for them to make that decision personally."
Of course, the dude totally misses the point. Like hell, I've got zero problems with sexual content. Heck, I once wrote to Cartoon Network petitioning for them to write in some cuddle time for Ren and Stimpy. I even begged Disney Channel to shoot a special two-part miniseries called "High-yai-yai-yai-yai School Musical".
So Diddy, the issue really ain't the bump 'n grind. It's the fact that if your ad got aired, I would no longer have the freedom to avoid you simply by not changing to MTV; I'd now have to hear your tunes while I have my TV dinners. And that, my dear, is plain obscene.
Diddy, Nas and Cee-Lo - Everything I Love (from Press Play)
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