Anyways, what they've done is presented a list of 24 bands their looking to bring in, and asked Facebook members to vote for the 10 they most want to see. And it's a promising list, to say the least. Unlike yonks before, the lineup presented before us is a significantly more eclectic (no doubt a byproduct of Singapore's emo stalwarts Wake Me Up Music choosing not to curate this year's effort). Sure, there are the token emunks (hello, Jebediah) and moshpit muggles (that's you, Mae). But there's also the option to go the IDM route via Telefon Tel Aviv, the synth pop path beside Joy Electric, or the Canto-twee lane with Hong Kong's My Little Airport. It's not exactly Wonderland, but it's also not a road of thorns and thistles. I'm sure even Alice can find something to bring to the queen.
1. The Ambassadors (Philippines) [ link ]
2. Tabasco (Thailand) [ link ]
3. My Little Airport (Hong Kong) [ link ]
4. Lemon Soup (Thailand) [ link ]
5. Telefon Tel Aviv (US) [ link ]
6. Imago (Philippines) [ link ]
7. Jebediah (Australia) [ link ]
8. OK Karaoke (Indonesia) [ link ]
9. Rosemary (Indonesia) [ link ]
10. Elemental Gaze (Indonesia) [ link ]
11. Intercooler (Australia) [ link ]
12. Mary Trembles (Australia) [ link ]
13. Joy Electric (US) [ link ]
14. 15th Scenery (Thailand) [ link ]
15. Telephone Booth (Taiwan) [ link ]
16. The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine (Taiwan) [ link ]
17. Primary Shapes (Hong Kong) [ link ]
18. Mae (US) [ link ]
19. Re-TROS (China) [ link ]
20.The Groceries (Thailand) [ link ]
21. The Pale Pacific (US) [ link ]
22. Pocketbooks (UK) [ link ]
23. The Hollows (UK) [ link ]
24. Regurgitator (Australia) [ link ]
Telefon Tel Aviv - My Week Beats Your Year (from Map of What Is Effortless)
Joy Electric - Buttercup Fairy Jamboree (from Melody)
My Little Airport - I Love Ella Koon, But I Love Your Buck Teeth More (from We Can't Stop Smoking In The Vicious and Blue Summer)
The Ambassadors - Senseless Song (single)
OK Karaoke - Milky Way (from untitled demo)
killah mix...thanx
"my week beats your year"
thats the wrong telefon myspace page
Woah! Tabasco coool
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