The boy pauses. Paralysed. Befuddled.
"What seems to be the problem, my young padawan?"
The young padawan turns around, his tilted state of flux suddenly straightened by a calming, familiar baritone. He looks up to find his wise master smiling back at him.
"I... I... I can't decide," replies the padawan.
The master beams. Decisions!, he exclaims from within. The padawan is learning to become a man!
"Why, what is it that you can't decide on?" asks the master intently. Deep within, the cogs whir and chug, and synapses plunge into that ancient vat of knowledge in search of a timeless nugget that will eternally equip the padawan with a priceless gem to assist him in that perilous journey towards adulthood.
"Well, ..." begins the padawan.
Could it be a question about eternity?, wonders the master, still maintaining his outer serenity.
"...there are two..."
Two? The master's heart races. Oh, glorious day! Oh, opulent opportunity! It must be the the throbbing yearns from those loins that are engulfing him! What magnanimous maturity!
"...this Saturday. At the same time. At two different places. And both have some bitch-ass, rump-humping, punk-pumping lineups."
The master pauses.
"And I can't decide which one to go to. Can you help me?"
Paralysed. Befuddled.
The Great Escape, Again
Venue: Little Havana, Kuala Lumpur
Date: Saturday, 10 November 2007
Time: 8pm
Admission: RM10
Line up: Documentary In Amber, B-Quartet, Lightcraft, Telephony Delivery, The Otherside Orchestra
Heineken Music presents Impulse
Venue: Terrace Bar, Zouk KL, Kuala Lumpur
Date: Saturday, 10 November 2007
Time: 8.30pm
Admission: Free
Line up: The Great Spy Experiment, Furniture, B4C, Callen (Altered Image)
The Great Spy Experiment - Class 'A' Love Affair 2007 (from Flower Show Riots)
Furniture - Lughnasa (from Twilight Chases The Sun)
B Quartet -
Documentary In Amber - For Those Are Truly The Last Days (from Documentary In Amber EP)
We r from B-Quartet. Writing in regards to the song you uploaded.
Thanks for uploading our music. But erm...I think you got the music from Junk magazine. There is an error in the CD....the song's tempo was slower and the pitch was shifted down....some error in the CD printing. Hope you can remove it. I ll msg you once Junk gets the correct version online? Thank a million...
Thousand apologies!!
no problem! thanks for letting us know.
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