Everything about Midomi squeals Jap. Seriously. The name, the colours, the technology—heck, the other day I saw a couple of cosplaying Sailor Moons playing Sudoku right near the "privacy notice" icon. They solved the puzzle in 29 seconds flat! Or was it 29 minutes. Hmm. Time sorta blurs when you're staring at blue haired chicks with miniskirts.
But alas, the rising sun eats none of this cake. Rather, a bunch of Standford grads are responsible for inventing a site that helps us solve one of the universe's most vexing questions: What's the name of that damn song?!?!?!?? Yes, fluster no more. As long as your computer has a mic plugged into it, you simply sing or hum that song into the mic, and Midomi will help you identify the name and artiste who sings it.
So anyways, I tested it out. The site didn't respond to my signature Greg Dulli yowl while I searched for Afghan Whigs 'Faded', or my flawless emulation of Jonsi Birgisson's "Ye-shoo-oo-oooooo" amidst a hunt for 'Ágætis Byrjun'. I'm so sure my voice isn't the problem, but apparently after I did that there were reports on Al-Jazeera's 11pm news that cats within the 19 blocks surrounding my house began transforming into lemmings and leaping from the balconies. Heck, there was this one cat who even tried to climb KL Tower so he could impale himself on the spire. He only reached 400 metres above the ground, before tumbling down onto a pile of rocks and busting his skull. The footage was awesome.
Link: www.midomi.com
BB King and Zucchero - Hey Man (Sing a Song) (from Zucchero & Co.) [BUY