Radiohead - In Rainbows
For three years, my goldfish were watching videotapes, my partridge was building a house of cards, and I was assembling a 4,000 piece jigsaw puzzle in the nude. Then, on 10th October, it all suddenly made sense.
Radiohead - Nude
The Wordless Nod to My Hourglass Bod
Justice - †
No seriously, I work hard on my figure. Even if I didn't have fuzzy fiestas like this to workout to, I have my anteater Andy, who just released his 12th exercise video, "Andy's Awesome Aerobics". What, you think these pecs came from eBay?
Justice - Phantom
Humanitarian Peace Prize for 55 and Over
Paul McCartney - Memory Almost Full
When I'm 55, I too want to be a knight, pick up soul and twiddle with synths. Oh, and have a trusty steed named Bruce.
Paul McCartney - See Your Sunshine
The IinternatIional Vowel Day Ambassadors

Biirdie - Catherine Avenue
Ii passed EnglIish. SerIiously. Ii was even appoIinted the representatIive of WorcestershIire. The deal is, they send me three crates of sauce each month, and Ii represent them Iin councIil meetIings. So faIir.
Biirdie - Petals
The 12th-minute Injury Time Game Winner
Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
Score tied. Second-year upstart strips off the tracks. Straps the boots. Flosses. Scores. Crowd cheers. Game over.
Lupe Fiasco - Hi-Definition
The 'And Is The New The' Award
Angus & Julia Stone - A Book Like This
Ahh yes; Aussie siblings turning fairytales into folk opuses. How timeless. Just like how I used to play "fry the feline" with my brother. Those were fun days.
Angus & Julia Stone - Soldier
The Immortal Elixir for the Comatose
Sigur Ros - Hvarf/Heim
My possum's wife passed away last year. For 10 months, he slept for 12 hours, and watched Desperate Housewives for 11 more (the other hour was spent massaging me). But ever since hearing this, the furry freak now can't stop humping my knees. At least my skin is smooth.
Sigur Ros - Hafsol
The OMG You Mean There's Another Canadian State Making Brill Music Trophy

Small Sins - Mood Swings
So one morning in Geography class, Mr Moorthy said, "And so, Toronto is Canada's largest city...". Immediately, I interrupted him, pulled out my Pitchfork-approved world map, and fought with the bugger for two hours, insisting every Canadian city was named Montreal. Then the bastard showed me the CN Tower, and played me 'Drunk E-Mails'. I fainted and died (thank God for CPR).
Small Sins - Drunk E-Mails
1 comment:
Hey everyone, check out my remix if you get a chance:
Radiohead - Nude (Minty Fresh Remix)
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