So, forgive me for not setting my very pronounced heinie aflame upon hearing that Esplanade are set to play host to a fusion of precisely that — a cluster of time-lapsed images accompanied by Jappy electronica. Nevertheless, while I can't pretend to appreciate the whole tea and symphony, This Singapore gig promises to be at least three notches more interesting since Yoshihiro Hanno, aka Radiq and Hong Kong's Dickson Dee will be concocting their beats live. Plus, glitch geek AOKI Takamasa dials in his blips later that night, so there's always the offering of stone-friendly salvation to whittle any fragments of yawndom. So yeah, at least one portion of the evening won't be all wtgdmf.
Yeah, that's my Friday rant. But at least said my peas. Bring on the weekend of surf, sun and s...
Huh? Said my what, you ask? My peas. Goodness, you mean you have no idea how to say your peas? Then you have hardly said anything memorable in your life. Me? I've moved way past peas, and find myself saying my beetroots and gherkins on a daily basis. Can't believe you haven't tried it out. Oh well, you've got something to do this weekend too.
For more details click here.
Radiq - Suicide (from Suicide EP)
AOKI takamasa - C.Y.E.-+ (remix of 'Cover Your Ears' from Indigo Rose)
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