We're feeling like zombies today, having stayed up till 5.30am the night before to watch Manchester United beat Chelsea to win the European Champions League Cup (one of those incongruent timezone things that Europe will never get). Still, I'll have you know that feeling like a zombie is the second best feeling in the world, next to feeling a zombie. Like, fo' real. Go test it out.
The Cranberries - Zombie (from No Need To Argue) [BUY
Tell me you didn't want to sing this every time you went to the karaoke. Oh you didn't, did you? May Dolores grind your lungs into gunpowder for her grenades.
Screeching Weasel - Zombie (from Boogadaboogadaboogada) [BUY
Punk in all its blistering glory, before pop came and injected bottomless vials of melodic pube.
Howie Beck - Zombie Girl (from Howie Beck) [BUY
With clandestine beauty, this Canadian singer-songwriter bemoans his lady's cancerous addiction to the shadows, forged from the fragments of her broken heart.
Sufjan Stevens - They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From the Dead!! Ahhhh! (from Illinoise) [BUY
I really don't see what ol' Suf's fussing over; my zombie neighbours Keith and Jenny never fail to invite me for dinner every night. Such hospitality; think I'll have to say "yes" tonight.
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Thanks for the download. Did you read this article?
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