I have many obsessions in life. Barbecued pork ribs are right at the top of the list of course. Then there is arranging my CDs in chronological order. And of course there is the art of tasering the neighbors' kids. Or assembling my very own Gundam V-series robot complete with steel wings, chain guns and eight missile decks.
Californian band Starflyer 59, headed up the brooding, facial-hair driven frontman Jason Martin, happens to be another one. Yup, 'who' you might say. I've given up trying to highlight to supposed clued-in idiots that their last three albums made Pitchfork's album of the week. The man should be President. Yep, go ahead vote him in, I have the forms here. What? Nomination process? Isn't everyone that makes Pitchfork's album of the week automatically fit to be President? I mean wasn't the reason why George W. Bush was made President because he released that seminal cow-town rocker Rocking the Horses in My Ranch?
Starflyer 59 - Everyone But Me (from Americana) [BUY
The song ends 2:14 in, then it restarts and before you know it, you're in a never land with sexy little fairies that don't look like Julia Roberts.
Starflyer 59 - 20 Dollar Bills (from Everybody Makes Mistakes) [BUY
This song was probably written with Jason hunched over a piano, hands slamming the keys while feeling frustrated that he missed out on a Sizzler eat-all-you-can meal because he was a little short on dosh.
Starflyer 59 - Just Try (from Everybody Makes Mistakes) [BUY
If you have this hot girl that's always brushing your advances, play her this song. Yep, all you need is a sample, baby. Come here.
Starflyer 59 - Fell in Love at 22 (from Fashion Focus) [BUY
Completely romantic if you 'fell in love at 22, to a girl that's close to you'. If not, it will remind you of how damn old you are and that beer-belly you're carrying, as the sound of your wife Helga nagging bleeds in and out in the background like a fuzzed-up out-of-tune guitar.
Starflyer 59 - Samson (from Fell in Love at 22 EP) [BUY
Put this on at 3am at night when you're on a deserted highway. You might hear a crash boom bang and see angels after that. Really lovely.
Starflyer 59 - When I Learn to Sing (from Leave Here a Stranger) [BUY
I have been hearing this lady in my church sing this for awhile now. Possibly 23-years. Poor thing.
1 comment:
"The file is unavailable because the user has run out of bandwidth." Any chance you could upload these to another site, like Mediafire or Yousendit? I love SF 59 too, so it's great to see them getting some love, and I've never heard most of these songs.
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