I heard that the guitarist for legendary hairy rock band Journey stumbled upon a clip of a Filipino pub singer singing the Journey song 'Faithfully' and offered him a spot as their new singer. Just like that. From dingy half-empty pubs to a recording studio in the States and a possible tour after.
It is funny because it's completely false.
I mean if that were the case, then someone would have checked out the Youtube clip of me tossing a grenade across a golf course and offered me a role in the GI Joe movie. Or Buffy would have scoped out that video of me taking out some vampires and offered me to be her Buffer. Or Van Halen would've checked out that clip of me in spandex and practicing jumps and offered me a spot as their new singer as well.
It's just silly to think someone can just become famous overnight because of some clip. Ha ha, seriously it's silly. Come on.
Oh, his name is Arnel Pineda by the way. Apparently, this is the clip that sold him.
Journey - Faithfully (from Frontiers)
Did Steve Perry die and immediately get reincarnated as this guy? Seriously, I think Journey should hire him, but only if he can tolerate endless performances of "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'." From 20 rows back, you'd swear it was 1983 again.
They did hire him ... sigh.
I was "shock and speechless" when I heard about Arnel Pineda to be picked as a replacement for Steve Perry..I never did magine he was "the chosen one" but no doubt coz' jeez...his voice were cool,fantastic and so amazing!..I admire his voice since he was singing back then in some spots here in hongkong..Keep it up and more power to your band,we,your friends and followers here in hongkong are very proud of you and we wish you the best.
Arnel didnt get the part just like that.. he had to go through 2 days auditioning.. so really, he worked hard to get the part.. and dern, this guy's singing's phenomenal..!!!he may not have the looks, but he definitely has the voice....!
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