It's Easter. Easter Schmeaster? Well, Schmeaster feaster, you beaster!
Gomez - These 3 Sins (from Split The Difference)
"We don't want to harm you," insists Ian Ball. With a gooey shuffle like this? Even my cicada need not fear.
Grande - Rhythms of Sin (from Uppers, Downers, Screamers & Howlers)
Kjetil Grande teleports Yuma to Oslo. Dang those Norwegians are clever.
Small Sins - Bullet (from Mood Swings)
A slick swap from D'Arcy's usual electropop leads to this delicate doomsday ditty.
Robot Ate Me - Sin Like Holy Men (from Good World)
Awww shucks, is that you, Envy, huddling in the corner? C'mere and suck my finger.
Iggy Pop - Some Weird Sin (from Lust for Life)
Gramps needs a vice as his licence to chill. He also needs implants.
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