Yes, here comes another one, straight out of Ryan Giggs' country, otherwise known to him as 'the crappy footballing country I chose to play for instead of England'. Welsh bands in itself are rather rare. Cause they all speak funny there so no one can understand them. A Welsh emo band is about as rare as satay celup that's halal. Why? Cause they just don't wear their hair that way there.
Funeral for a Friend has just released a concept album titled Tales Don't Tell Themselves. It's about some fisherman that gets lost at sea and how he's fighting to get back so that he can see his loved ones. Touchy-feely story. Only one problem. Every song sounds the same. Unlike previous concept albums where there are peaks and valleys, this one seems to be an unending flat line. But perhaps that is the band's intention. To show how boring a fisherman's life is. Or maybe, it's an attempt to show how cool the fisherman is. 'No tension at all, lets just cruise this baby through this 100 hurricanes, 1000 whirlpools and 10,000 million crocodiles and we'll be home before you know it'.
What? There are no crocodiles in the sea? What books have you been reading? The one I have been reading tells me that crocs can live in sea, on land, fly and occasionally shoot missiles. Its called A Beginner's Guide to B-Movies. Just look under the entry 'Crocasaurus Rex 4'.
I rock so hard.
Date: September 8, 2007
Time: 8pm
Venue: Glass Pavilion, Far East Square, 28 China Street
To get yourself a ticket, go here
Funeral for a Friend - Into Oblivion (Reunion) (from Tales Don't Tell Themselves)
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