I was this close to getting time off work because of suspected appendicitis. But a trip to the doc revealed that it wasn't (otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make the trip to the doc). Okay fine, so it's a good thing. But couldn't the lady have at least given a half-day MC? Damn.
John Butler Trio - Damned To Hell (from Sunrise Over Sea)
Saw JBT live three years ago; since then, I'm convinced that this enviro-freak can stop global warming, cure cancer and repair my computer.
Damn Dirty Apes - In Tents (from Ape Kill Ape)
Defunct Penang-based post-rockers and their razor-sharp guitars make fairy dust out of tarpaulin.
Be Your Own Pet - Damn Damn Leash (from Be Your Own Pet)
Four-piece punkers sound like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, have done a Queen tribute and are touring with Arctic Monkeys. Namedrops keep falling on my head...
Rupee - Do The Damn Thing (from 1 On 1)
Barbados-originating soca muso lent this song to Desperate Housewives. Which is a crappy show, by the way.
Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing (from The Best Damn Thing)
I was smirking the other day as a radio DJ struggled to find a way to say "Damn" when talking about this album during some family-friendly slot. Tough job.
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