My country's parliament was dissolved, signaling the beginning of a refreshingly brief election process that will end on 8th March. What's that you say, just a few weeks of nominating and campaigning? Hmm let's see... the alternative might be being subject to nine months of of piss-ugly placards, bitchy slanging ads and trite slogans. Nah. I like my democracy with hot water. Just nice.
Massive Attack - Dissolved Girl (from Mezzanine)
Massive Attack would like to apologise for turning your wet dream into a dry hump. Emphasis on dry.
Thievery Corporation - Gentle Dissolve (from The Cosmic Game)
The duo's 2005 album closer trickles in uninvited, spurring subliminal desires in you to buy a koi pond waterbed.
DissolvedIn - Egocentric (from Proudly Dressed EP)
Heck, Reading should just sell that football club and invest their quid in a new town darling, i.e., this spellbinding synth-pop punk union.
Elvis Costello - Dissolve (from When I was Cruel)
I think the kind of dissolution Elvis envisioned here involves hydrochloric acid, human skin and Sigourney Weaver in white panties.
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