We think that the 'don't quote us on this' term is one of the most brilliant things ever created by mankind besides deep fried vegetables and American Dad. Like every time us Pirates feel the need to collectively fart out random rumors such as this one, we can do so with no remorse should it not come to past. Like I can say, "Don't quote me but I think Jessica Alba farted during the wedding scene in Fantastic Four." Or we could day," Don't quote me seriously, but I think U2 is going to be playing at my 31st birthday barbeque next week. A huge party? Not at all, just ten fellas. Yeah they are doing small shows these days but hey, don't quote me on that." Or how about,"Don't quote me on this but Amy Winehouse is actually a man."
Err ...
Jimmy Eat World - Carry You (from Chase This Light)
wow! who's bringing em in?
Don't quote us on this, but we seriously don't know.
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