A couple of 'em were humping under my car last night. It went something like "Rrreeeerrrr, rwarwararawrawrawrwrrrr (five second pause) mwoar, mwoar, mwoar (two second pause) eeeeereeerererrrrrrr rwawwwwwaaarrr (three second pause) mwoar mwoar mwoar mwoar mwoaaaaaaar (silence)." I can totally relate.
Jaga Jazzist - Kitty Wu (from The Stix)
At this year's prom, the sax sports an olive skirt, the vibraphone dons glass slippers, and the drum samplers spike the punch bowl, and then gulp it all down.
Kitty Donohoe - There Are No Words (single)
9/11 odes are aplenty; 9/11 odes that don't trade strength for schmaltz are a-few, and a-welcome.
Lil' Kim - Kitty Box (from The Naked Truth)
Kimberly Jones wants to hand you a free pass into Badabing's strippers dressing room. You don't want to stop her.
Lou Barlow - The Ballad Of Daykitty (from Emoh)
Mr Sebadoh closed his last solo record with this ditty to his kitty. I bet the furface still scratched his sofa.
Kitty Hawk - Some Kind Of Monster (from upcoming album)
With an aura this morbid, I'm convinced these DC folk rockers musta gotten a whiff of Hilary's campaign corpse.
Presidents Of The United States Of America - Kitty (from Presidents Of The United States Of America)
This kinda politics, I like.
I was wondering if you could repost his please.
Kitty Donohoe - There Are No Words (single)
Thank You
Can you tell us who the photographer of Mr. Snarly is, please?
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